Hello All
Happy Christmas. Everything is finished we have opened pressies, eaten too much, drunk enough. The sheep have also eaten and are now happily settling for the evening sheltering under the trees from the windy weather. Apparently whilst out feeding the sheep, the rest of the family saw a jumbo jet flying in to Bordeaux airport very low under the cloud obviously dodging the rather violent gusts of wind that have appeared from nowhere. What a week for the run up to Christmas I don't think I stopped which is fabulous though rather exhausting. Thank goodness I shopped in October this year. Number 3 child asked me on Christmas Eve after I had read her story...... no I will modify that Number 3 told me that I would not be going to the butchery on Christmas Day. Her wish became true and the only chopping that happened was on the veg for lunch. We had rolled stuffed lamb. Delicious. We are now all watching The Strictly Christmas Special and I admit I am trying not to fall asleep, not that I don't enjoy all the dancing but more because the champagne for lunch was rather good. I may see some of you at Riberac Market on Friday 27th for my last market of 2013. So I hope everyone had a lovely day for Christmas Day and that you all enter into 2014 with leaps and bounds. Being out and about and having the opportunity to meet lovely people through the work in the butchery and the markets has really made this year a much happier one for all the family. See you all soon Helen, Gavin and the Children
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Hello All
A pic of our family decorated tree suitably covered with everything from the decoration box that would fit. Well has everyone finished dashing around wondering if they have bought the right gift or remembered every relative. No? I thought not. Well according to the food and drink programme last night all you need is good food, good drink and time to relax. We have 2 of the above and if the sheep behave and stay behind their fences maybe even 3. Well Mr Unlucky otherwise known as my husband has the most beautiful bruise running from his wrist probably to his armpit if we could see it under the strapping and has been told by the specialist to rest, ha ha. So I may need shares in clingfilm by the end of his 3-6 week bandage as it is the only way to protect the bandage in the shower unless someone out there has a more creative, reusable suggestion. Number one child is home for Christmas next week and is living it up in Bordeaux tonight at the clubs with all his mates. Number 2 and 3 are looking forward to the holidays and eating too much chocolate. We are having..............rolled stuffed lamb for Christmas Day and lots of Christmas pudding. We wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year Helen and Family Hello Everyone
Fa la la la la la la la la.... Yeah only a few more sleeps to go. Have you all Decked The Hall with boughs of Christmas Tree. I haven't, but my excuse is that Lucky Number 2 has arrived in the kitchen, photo to follow, and Unlucky Number One has damaged the tendon connecting the bicep to the bone, fortunately the left arm. There is no photo to follow of him. His only gay apparel (to continue the Christmas theme) is a sling. 2013 will go down in history as being the year my husband started to fall apart. So at current calculations I have 2 years to go. So hurry while sausage stocks last! By the by Sunday is 'L.O.' day. Last Order day so make haste and email me if you would like something particular or else you will have what is left. Which is what we usually eat for Christmas. Mind you Franklin Farm leftovers are exceptionally delicious. So... See the busy market before us (sorry rhythym not quite right) Fa la la la la la la la la Strike the Harp and come and join us Fa la la la la la la la la...... Enjoy the sunshine See you soon Helen Hello All
I don't know how well you can see this photo but Lucky the miniature goat has been demoted to having to learn about outside for part of the day, after number 3 child discovered him sitting on the sofa in the living room. Sadly no picture of that one as my well trained daughter scolded him and packed him of to his box. Apparently he likes to climb, to be frank most goats like to climb, but considering his head is the same level as my knee this new resting place is quite an achievement. Beware all people who are contemplating acquiring a goat for a pet. Apparently picture number 2 is a bit clearer. See you at Riberac tomorrow morning and undercover in the barn on Olivier's farm on Saturday morning in Eygurande et Gardedeuilh. Helen |
February 2024
Helen FranklinI am farming sheep and goats on the Dordogne/Gironde border with my husband and our 3 children. We have an on farm butchery and sell our meat direct to the public via the markets and delivery points in our local area |